Hey, Saw your June 5,2009 entry on "persona non sequitor" blog. How are you aware
of Buckwheat Florida Jr? I'm living in Chiangmai, Thailand for many years, and presently\ spending a lot of time painting in between travels.. You can check out my website:
if you like.. regards, Buckwheat
From your "ancient" underground comic SUDS, and those weird panels you supplied one of the underground tabloids. One or the few references to your work is "enigmatic". Other than that term, it seems your become obscure at the time and after the time. I decided if anyone was interested in your work, it would be fun to type in obscure references and see what comes up. (I did this with the "pet rock" guy, though I didn't think he would respond....)
The website looks like fun.
There's another blog or two with references to you, mentioned in the same type with John Thompson, who did that underground "Cyclops", written in Greek. Who knows what will come up.
Glad you're about. After 40 years or so, glad anyone is well and moving.
Take care....